Looking at a mandala helps guide our consciousness on a journey of inner exploration. Creation, harmony, stillness and balance are a few of the stops along the way. Every mandala is an original one of a kind. Created by gluing laser cut wood pieces after staining, airbrushing and inlaying them with crystals.

Beyond Light
What exists beyond the light?

Boundless Flower
The flower continues to grow.

Circle of Existence
As if there is no beginning or end.

So what are we emerging from this everything.

endless bloom
A flower that never stops blooming.

heart centered
We are in the center of it all.

infinite zoom
No matter how close or how far we zoom, we are infinite.

midnight sunrise
We are in the hours found in between.

So align with the divine outside of the mind.

secret garden
To find the garden of the soul, beyond all control.

We are Kings and this is our kingdom.

sol urchin
The SOL is what holds us togather.

solar pulse
Moved by the pulses of plasma.

Basking in the light.

sun star
One day we remember, we are the stars.

The remembrance never stops unfolding.

As unique as we are this is shared by all.

The instrument of life.

The seeds of existence.

Dancing in geometric patterns.

dream whisper
Can you hear the whisper reminding you this is just a dream.

golden harmony
We become golden and awaken through harmony.

heart centered - Remix
When we find our home again.

emergence - Remix
We re-emerge from the illusion

Once again we are beyond light.